Sexual Harassment at Work: Breaking the Silence. Part II of a Series. | Casey Law Offices, S.C.

Sexual Harassment at Work: Breaking the Silence. Part II of a Series.

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At Casey Law Offices, S.C., we are committed to helping victims seek fair compensation from the negligent individuals and businesses responsible for irresponsible for their injuries. Throughout Wisconsin, we represent those who have suffered a variety of injuries, including those related to sexual harassment.

Our Multi-Part Series “Sexual Harassment at Work: Breaking the Silence,” looks at the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace. After defining sexual harassment and explaining the rights and responsibilities of victims and their employers, we explore how the law protects victims by helping determine damages and fair compensation. In all that we do, it is our mission to ensure harassers are held accountable and justice prevails for the innocent.

Drawing the Line for Bullies and Abusers in Wisconsin

Until the recent outpouring of women reporting instances of sexual harassment in the workplace, rarely did such reports make headline news. Since the days of Mad Men, victims have believed reporting harassment wasn’t worth the trouble, lest they be viewed as troublemakers and their careers harmed.

As more and more victims are coming forward with their stories, it has become apparent that sexual harassment takes on many forms in the workforce.

And while the vast majority of harassment involves men harassing women, there are instances of women harassing men, as well as same-gender harassment. For the purposes of our series, we will focus on men harassing women.

It is important to spell out what sexual harassment is. While it’s no excuse, many men who act as workplace bullies don’t realize they have crossed the line.

Drawing a Clear Line

When locker room talk spills into the conference room, men take note: it can be harassment. It is not OK to shrug or laugh it up and chalk it up to “boys being boys.”

Obvious harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances and requests for sexual favors. Not-so-obvious sexual harassment (at least in the eyes of the abuser) can include verbal harassment and other forms, such as:

  • Sharing sexually inappropriate images or videos, such as pornography, with co-workers
  • Making sexual comments about clothing, appearance, or body parts
  • Calling a person “cutie,” “sexy,” “sweetie,” and another diminutive term
  • Sending suggestive e-mails or other notes
  • Displaying inappropriate sexual images
  • Telling lewd or offensive jokes
  • Sharing sexual anecdotes
  • Making inappropriate sexual gestures
  • Staring in a sexually suggestive or offensive manner
  • Whistling
  • Inappropriate touching, including pinching, patting, rubbing, or purposefully brushing up against another person
  • Asking sexual questions, such as questions about someone’s sexual orientation
  • Making offensive comments about someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity

If you believe you were harassed at work, the first thing you need to do is document everything. Use a notepad to record the situation that made you feel uncomfortable. You may want to confront your perpetrator, talk to your supervisor, or both.

Review your company’s policies and procedures to determine what the company should do when a complaint is voiced. Make sure you document all conversations and interactions you have with management and HR.

This information will be important if you choose to consult with an attorney. Your case will be strong if you have proof that you tried to work with your company to fix the problem.

At Casey Law Offices, we are here to help victims of sexual harassment seek justice, and we can determine what a reasonable financial settlement would look like. After thoroughly investigating the situation, we will build your case and work hard to help you seek compensation for any lost wages and pain and suffering. Backed by decades of legal experience, we can guide you through the process, aggressively upholding your right to a financial settlement in court.

Contact our office today for a free consultation.

Next in the Series:Effects of Sexual Harassment can be Debilitating, Injurious and Long-Lasting

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