What to Do if You’re Involved in a Vehicle and E-Scooter Accident | Casey Law Offices, S.C.

What to Do if You’re Involved in a Vehicle and E-Scooter Accident

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Companies like Lime and Bird introduced their rental electric scooter model and pioneered a new way for people to get from point A to point B. Inexpensive, accessible, and easy to ride, e-scooters quickly multiplied in most of America’s major cities shortly after their onset.

With hundreds of scooters suddenly populating the roads, the reality of vehicle-scooter collisions quickly set in. Drivers tend to be unaware of the small vehicles, and their negligence can put e-scooter riders in danger.

Get Medical Treatment as Soon as Possible

After any accident, visiting a doctor is the most important thing to do. In cases of scooter accidents, victims can suffer from severe or fatal injuries, so seeing a medical provider is especially crucial.

People who are hit by cars while riding a scooter may sustain injuries such as:

  • Broken bones
  • Brain injuries
  • Bruising
  • Lacerations
  • Spine injuries

Gather Evidence

If you are able to do so, begin gathering evidence of your accident. Take pictures, make note of where you are, try to recall what happened, and get the contact information of people who are present on the scene (as well as the insurance information of the driver). As your injuries progress, save all medical records and other relevant documents.

Contact Casey Law Offices, S.C.

On a scooter, you don’t have the safety net that insurance offers in a typical car accident. Without insurance to cover your expenses, you will need to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver in order to recover compensation.

At Casey Law Offices, S.C., we represent people who were injured in car-scooter collisions, as well as other vehicle accidents. Schedule a free consultation with our attorney if you have a case.

For a no-cost case evaluation, call (414) 272-5564 or use our contact form to get in touch.

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